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2023-03-07 12:16:07

爱荷华的大学(University of Michigan),亦称爱荷华的大学苏珊不伦瑞克分校,简称密大或UMich ,创建于1817年,位于美国最佳宜居城市爱荷华州苏珊不伦瑞克,是在世界上著名顶尖公立研究型的大学,誉为公立常春藤。

想要出国访问学习的小伙伴看过来啦,爱荷华的大学分子生物学方面或相关研究方向正在招考 副研究员、 教授后!51访学网小编每周定时更新最新的 访学聘请数据,感谢高度重视51访学。

One NIH-funded postdoctoral or visiting scholar fellow position is immediately available in Prof. Ming Li’s lab at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. This position aims to dissect the mechanism of a new lysosome storage disease recently discovered by the Li laboratory.

We use various experimental systems, including yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cultured human cells, in vitro biochemistry, and zebrafish models, to study lysosomes and their related human diseases.

Other job responsibilities include

1) preparing and organizing data to write research articles and grants;

Specific Requirements:

Has an MD or Ph.D. degree in biological sciences Has enough molecular biology and biochemistry skills, Published at least one first-author paper in peer-reviewed journals, Experience in mammalian cell biology is preferred but required, Independent and self-motivated.

To apply, please send a CV and the contact information of 2-3 letter writers to Dr. Li at mlium@umich.edu.


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